My PhD project deals with control of open quantum systems applied to quantum information. It is supervised by Emmanuel Franck (INRIA) and Yannick Privat (IECL). We collaborate with physicists from the team Q-Dyno (Quantum Dynamics of Nano-Objects) at IPCMS.
PhD project highlights
The aim of the PhD project is to develop numerical methods suited to the control of non-isolated discrete quantum systems known as qudits. The latter are analoguous to ‘bits’ in classical computing and the underlying mathematical model is the GKS-Lindblad equation.
This topic is of interest in the field of quantum computing. For instance, given a logical operation (e.g. NOT gate in classical computing) the aim is to find appropriate electro-magnetic pulses whose effect on qudits is the same as the theoretical description of the logical operation (brief interactive introduction repository).
What makes this project challenging? Mathematically it is about non-linear control theory. Numerically and from a practical point of view, the state space associated to the mathematical model is high-dimensional and grows exponentially fast for realistic systems of qudits.